Vago Mezcal, Pechuga de Emigdio Jarquin (Mexico)
Producer Notes: Using a base of Bat-Friendly Espadín, Don Emigdio’s Pechuga recipe consists both farm-raised chicken and turkey breast along with cinnamon, orange, lime and nisperos among other local fruits. Final notes include tropical fruits that are balanced by the spice and chocolate for a delicious fruitcake palate experience.
Bat-Friendly is a certification created by UNAM recognize Tequila and Mezcal brands that are working to create sustainable methods of production that maintain healthy populations of nectar-feeding bats. These small but incredible creatures are the main pollinators of agave plants, feeding at night on the nectar-rich flowers at the top of the flower stalk (quiote). By allowing some of our plants to flower rather than harvesting them to produce mezcal, we are able to maintain a healthy genetic diversity among agave populations, as the bats cross-pollinate flowers during their feeding process. This project helps us work to maintain a healthy ecosystem, as the bats will also pollinate other flowering plants in the surrounding environment. A healthy bat population is vital to a healthy agave population.